Ah, what to post?

Just moved radioevangelist to a new host and I have wondering what to post first here. For today, I'll just say that it's really, really hot here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Went up to 100 degrees again this afternoon - way warmer than it should be. Right now, at 6:45 PM, it's 95 degrees in the shade, and just a hint of a breeze. Not exactly conducive to a run or any other outdoor activity. In fact, it's quite daunting to exit the house and get hit with a blast of hot air that is worse than the midsummer heat of Florida. So - what to do? Well, tuning in to WTMD is a great way to chill out... and it worked again today. Thanks for the great tunes! Even though you're not promising a cool down. Maybe tomorrow will be a little cooler.